Are You Willing to Stop Judging You & Start Being You?
Are you willing to befriend your body?
Signed in as:
Are you willing to befriend your body?
What would it take to free your mind and your body of the limitations that keep you from being unapologetically powerful you?
The way I see it, you are a creative force of nature!
You may see it as being weird, different, misunderstood, or a misfit of magnitude. However you describe it, I'm guessing you've made yourself wrong for it and decided it was best to keep your quirks to yourself. And then blame your body for your perceived imperfections!
But what if you could see your difference and your imperfections as your greatest gifts?
What if you could finally get that your weirdness is your edge, your body is your biggest ally, and your way of being and seeing life is what the world is longing for right now?
If you are a creative, a lone wolf, or an introvert, it can be hard to trust that the world will accept you. But what if the first step in the world accepting you is simply showing up here and connecting with me, allowing me to see and acknowledge the gift of you?
It's not easy, I know. I've been there. I've spent most of my life avoiding my gifts by buying into the wrongness of me. I can't tell you how many times I gave up my "beyond this reality" knowing to blend in and be accepted by others.
But that's not what changes the world.
Here's what does:
These questions don't require immediate answers. As a matter of fact, the longer you can stay in the question without rushing to a conclusion about what the "right" answers might be, the better.
Who do you need to be or what do you need to know, perceive, or receive to allow yourself to unapologetically let your light shine? What might you need to start doing? What might you need to stop doing?
What if the "wrongness" of you is actually the "strongness" of you?
Truth: Does constantly judging your body, bank account, relationships, or social status distract you from owning and using your power?
What if your body is way wiser than you give it credit for? (Spoiler alert: It IS!) What if you could ask your body to show you how to create your life in a way that allows you to thrive? (You CAN and it WILL.)
Penny Plautz is a certified eating psychology coach, creativity coach, and author of Coming Clean: 6 Steps to Making AMENDS With Your Body and Body Confidence From the Inside Out. Her keen sense of questioning and creative approach to what's possible for her clients allow her to be a catalyst for conscious change. She has worked with shamans in Mexico, healers in Bali, and coaches throughout the country. Her playful and intuitive approach to life make her a popular presenter and insightful facilitator.
A big believer in asking questions, Penny helps you access what you know about creating the body, the business, and the life you desire.
Her favorite title is Everyday Alchemist. An alchemist is a person who transforms or creates something through a seemingly magical process. Penny transforms the lives of her clients by having them practicing little leaps of fierce faith and fabulousness that may be imperceptible to others but create profound shifts for her clients.
Penny lives in eastern Iowa. She offers online and in-person sessions wherever she finds herself in the world. If you are looking for a class that you don't see listed on her schedule or would like her to offer a class in your city and would be willing to host the class, please contact her.